Gas Line Repair And Placement For Your Outdoor Entertainment Space

chicago plumbers

Outdoor living

Living in Chicago means that you have an appreciation for living life outdoors. Whether you favor the traditional pork-packed South Side BBQ culture, or the newer fusion-y North Side style of barbeque, chances are you enjoy entertaining in your outdoor area.

However, while the calendar may state that winter starts in late December and ends in March, you never plan a revealing Halloween costume, and have had your Easter egg hunt snowed out. You know that in Chicago, winter begins in mid-October and lasts through April.

Safety first

Any outdoor entertainment space worth visiting or owning needs a man-sized grill, and a fiercely-hot fireplace. Perhaps you also have a heated pool. Natural gas is a clean, efficient fuel that adds comfort and ease to your life; and is safe when used with proper care.

Despite the fact that putting ketchup on a world-famous Chicago dog may not actually get you excommunicated, not properly maintaining your gas appliances might. It can be dangerous not to employ a plumbing service in Chicago to service your gas lines.

As a property owner, you are obliged to maintain the gas lines on your side of the meter, which includes all piping:

  • From your gas meter to the appliances on your property.
  • From a curb-side gas meter to the home (when the meter is not right beside the home).
  • From your meter underground to a building, pool/ spa heater, barbecue or other gas appliances.

Your gas lines should periodically be inspected for corrosion and leaks; and any unsafe conditions repaired immediately. A licensed plumbing repair company in Chicago will assist you in finding, inspecting and repairing your gas lines.

Although rare, natural gas pipeline leaks can occur. If you suspect a pipeline leak:

To responsibly enjoy the comforts natural gas provides, contact us on 773-992-1587 today to request a quote.

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