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This Is What Happens When a Plumbing Leak Isn’t Fixed

Leak on the Road

Leaks around your home can happen at any time, and sometimes you may take them for granted thinking that they’re not that serious. But leaks of any scale can cause major damage to your home and require the services of a reputable emergency plumber. The Chicago based Almighty Rooter and Plumbing, gives us an inside look into what happens when plumbing leaks aren’t fixed.

Water Bill Hikes:

Increases in your water bill are a sure sign that you have a leak somewhere in your plumbing system. Leaks, no matter how small, can cost you a fortune if not fixed on time.

Rodent Problems:

Mice and rats love taking residence in damp or wet areas and spotting more of them in or around your property is a sure sign that  you have a leak somewhere and should address it immediately. After all, no one wants to live with rodents in their home.

Foul odor:

You’re likely to notice a leak in your sewage system through a persistent foul odor. Needless to say, sewage leaks that go unfixed can negatively affect your quality of life by causing unhygienic living conditions. Call on  the services of a 24 hour plumbing company to have this fixed as soon as possible.

Mould Growth:

Leaks in your sinks can cause mould to grow on the floor area around the sink, causing major damage to other surfaces around the area, not to mention the growth of harmful bacteria.

Constant sewer blocking:

Although not easily detectable, leaks along your sewer line can cause sewer blockages that are caused by cracked or broken pipes. If you’re experiencing blockages in your sewer line even after cleaning your pipes, then  you might be dealing with a leak causing obstructions to come in and block the system.

If you’re in the Chicago area and suspect a leak in your home, don’t hesitate to call on Almighty Rooter Sewer & Plumbing, and avoid the costly consequences of unchecked leaks. The company offers 24 hour emergency plumbing, so you can call on them any time on 773-992-1587, to report a leak and have it fixed right away. Plus, if you contact them today you’ll even receive a complimentary camera inspection of your sewer pipes valued at $250!

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