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When Chemical Drain Cleaners Won’t Work

Plumber Rodding a Sewer

Your drain is clogged. You reached for the chemical drain cleaners, but nothing happened. You went from some standing water to a puddle of chemicals. What do you do from here? Here are a few ways you may be able to clear it up before having to call the plumbers, courtesy of the Chicago sewer & plumbing company Almighty Rooter Sewer & Plumbing.

  • First, consider the type of drain that has become clogged to work out the likely culprit and select an appropriate clearing method. Your choice will also depend on whether your drain is completely clogged or draining very slowly. For example, kitchen sinks are typically clogged by grease or large clumps of food, whereas shower drains are almost exclusively clogged by hair.
  • One of the most effective DIY methods of clearing a clogged drain is the plunger, especially when it comes to drains that no longer flow at all. Plungers work with any type of pipe and blockage, and only require elbow-grease to use. To maximize their effectiveness, block up any overflow drains with duct tape or a thick rag and make sure that the cup is making a good seal around the drain, then plunge away to try to and dislodge the blockage, allowing it to flow away down the pipe.
  • Another option is an auger, or drain snake. Essentially a DIY version of what professional plumbers use, they consist of a coil or bladed tip at the end of a flexible metal band that is fed into the pipe to cut up or grasp the blockage, slicing it up or pulling it back up and out of the pipe. However, it is important to note that this can damage old or PVC manufactured pipes, and cannot reach blockages that are deep within the drain.
  • There are also several DIY liquids that may clear blockages, such as:
  • Baking soda and vinegar, 1/3rd of a cup of each
  • Salt and baking soda, ½ of a cup of each
  • Dish detergent, ¼ of a cup
  • Very hot or boiling water

If any of the above methods worked, it is still recommended that very hot or boiling water be poured into the freshly cleared drain as it helps to clean out any leftover debris in the pipe.

However, sometimes your drain is truly blocked, or you want to make sure that the drain stays clear for longer, so, you need professional help. If you’re looking for a plumbing and sewer cleaning company based in Chicago, look no further than Almighty Rooter Sewer & Plumbing. If you would like more information or need a plumber today, contact us at 773-992-1587, and get a free camera inspection with your sewer rodding or jetting, valued at $250. Financing available!

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