Four Plumbing Maintenance Resolutions for The New Year

Toilet Bowl

With New Year upon us, all sorts of New Year’s resolutions are made with conviction – not all that many are seen through, though. Home maintenance is not only about repairs. In fact, regularly carrying out certain tasks actually prevents things from packing up the first place. Here are four easy to adhere to, rewarding maintenance reminders to keep the components of your plumbing system at home or at work running smoothly:

  1. No more blocked lavatories 

To avoid one of the most common plumbing mishaps – a blocked toilet – make it clear to everyone who uses yours that flushing anything other than toilet paper is strictly prohibited. It is far easier (not to mention less unpleasant) to prevent an overflowing lavatory than it is to call in an emergency plumber in Chicago.

  1. Clean filters 

Water softener systems and ice makers are a modern convenience. However, many people do not realize that they usually have filters that need to be changed to keep them running efficiently and effectively. To avoid needing a plumbing repair in Chicago, check your manufacturer’s instruction booklet for more information.

  1. Septic care 

If your premises are run on a septic system, use your garbage disposal unit as little as possible. What happens is that waste from the garbage disposal can disrupt the balance of your septic tank system or contribute to a blockage.

  1. Water heaters 

If you have a traditional water heater, sediment can build up in the tank. It should be drained periodically for optimum performance. Again, read the manufacturers recommendation on how often this needs to be done.

For more information about how the 24-hour emergency plumbing team at Almighty Plumbing can keep your plumbing maintenance resolutions on track, please contact us electronically or call on 773-992-1587. Financing available.

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